Private capital
Private credit and capital solutions
We act for private credit funds and other alternative investors of all sizes and geographies in their provision of, and investment in, innovative financing solutions up and down, and throughout the life cycle of, a capital structure, covering acquisitions, event-driven ‘rescue’ financings and restructurings.
Whether it’s guiding a bespoke debt origination for a difficult-to-underwrite borrower, supporting a traditional acquisition financing through a combination of loans and preferred equity or investing in a hybrid debt and equity instrument, our first-in-class team of private credit and capital solutions lawyers provide fully integrated multidisciplinary advice for our private capital clients.In addition to assisting in direct or primary financings, we are trusted advisors to many of our more opportunistic clients in identifying and evaluating opportunities in existing capital structures to put capital to work in creative and yield enhancing ways, including backstopping and financing liability management transactions. These same clients also frequently rely on us to shadow designated “arrangers” counsel or assist them in complex intercreditor negotiations to ensure proper minority rights in club deals with other private credit providers.
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View our full team
Damian Ridealgh Partner, Global Co-Head of Private Credit and Capital Solutions
New York
Alexander Mitchell パートナー
Dr. Michael Josenhans パートナー
Frankfurt am Main
Daniel Anderson パートナー
Hong Kong