'Transactions' podcast series
Essential Antitrust #42: HSR rules changes: how to successfully navigate the new US merger control filing
On October 10, 2024 the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the US Department of Justice (DOJ) issued a final rulemaking implementing the most significant update ever to the US HSR merger control filing. While these changes won’t be effective until the end of January 2025 at the earliest, understanding now how tackle new features such as expanded document requirements and new substantive narratives will position companies and dealmakers alike to hit the ground running.
In this edition of the Essential Antitrust podcast, host Jenn Mellott is joined by fellow antitrust partners Mary Lehner and Bruce McCulloch, as well as Sebastian Fain, Global Transactions partner, to discuss the key changes that parties will have to contend with starting in early 2025.
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Our team
Jenn Mellott Office Managing Partner, Washington DC
Washington, DC, Brussels
Mary Lehner パートナー
Washington, DC
Bruce McCulloch Partner
Washington, DC
Sebastian L. Fain パートナー
New York