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概要 Mijke Sinninghe Damsté

Mijke is a partner in the Amsterdam office.

She has a broad dispute resolution practice with a focus on corporate law related disputes and class actions, securities litigation, competition litigation, governance issues, ESG-related claims and directors’ duties and liabilities. With her strong track record, Mijke has pleaded various high-profile disputes before arbitral tribunals and in the Dutch courts, amongst which the Enterprise Chamber and the Netherlands Commercial Court. 

Mijke chairs the board of the Dutch Corporate Litigation Association (Vereniging Corporate Litigation) and is the co-chair of the Grotius post doc course on Corporate Litigation.


Work highlights from her previous firm include:

  • Defence counsel for former CEO of Airbus SE in a Dutch class action (WAMCA) regarding shareholders' claims about alleged failures to disclose bribery and corruption and regulatory investigations
  • Defence counsel in a Dutch class action (WAMCA) against multiple claim vehicles relating to diesel emission devices in cars
  • Counsel to a joint venture company in food delivery operations in multi-billion joint venture dispute (arbitration)
  • Litigation for a chemicals company on the envisaged termination of a supplier contract
  • Counsel to founding partners and cornerstone investors in litigation re controlling rights, removal of the management company, conflicts of interest and the position of the advisory board in a PE Fund
  • Advising / litigating for groups of bondholders in litigation heavy international restructuring cases, e.g. Steinhoff International Holdings N.V. and HEMA
  • Litigating for groups of activist shareholders in takeover discussions around Akzo Nobel
  • Litigation before the Enterprise Chamber for a multilateral development bank in inquiry proceedings before the Enterprise Chamber
  • Litigation before the Enterprise Chamber in dispute re de-merger of Reinier Haga hospitals
  • Representing a specialty chemicals multinational on a joint venture dispute (arbitration)


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